Enjoy Life
Interior Design: Less is more in minimalist home
Welcome minimalism into your home for a healthier mindset, urges Vicky Sanderson
Nowadays, life for many can often be described as chaotic and stressful. The relentless challenge of trying to find a successful balance between family, work and social lives can leave people frazzled and in need of a place to recharge their batteries.
It has been shown by Houselogic, a team from the University of California’s Center on Everyday Lives and Families, that women who live in a cluttered environment are likely to have high levels of cortisol, a stress-related hormone which has a huge negative effect on health and wellbeing. Your home should always be your sanctuary. Marie Kondo – best-selling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying (Vermilion, £12.99, ISBN 8-00-550) and host of Netflix’s recent documentary sensation Tidying Up with Marie Kondo says her simple home brings her happiness and contentment as she has time to “experience bliss in my quiet space”. She adds: “the space is graced only with those things that speak to my heart.”
Where Kondo is not advocating minimalist interiors for all, her tidying methods often lead to them; unsurprising perhaps, given that minimalism is rooted in classic Japanese design. So, given that more and more people are implementing the ‘KonMari method’, which has seen another recent decluttering wave sweep across the UK, it is likely that minimalist interiors will enjoy a resurgence in 2019.
Modern minimalism in interiors gained popularity around a decade ago, with its main premise being the use of modest and natural forms. The underlying philosophy behind a minimalist interior is: keep it simple. Less is more as it allows for a healthy mindset. It is far from boring and lifeless, more acutely considered. In the words of William Morris: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”
Rather than highlighting what typifies a minimalist interior, here are some things you won’t find…
Clutter – Surfaces should be clear of small objects and non-essentials (such as receipts, wrappers, pens) including window sills, cabinet tops, exposed shelves that have been used as.
Loud colours and busy designsForget bold patterns and clashing colours and opt for a neutral palette which will evoke a sense of calm when you enter your home. Crisp whites, cool greys, ‘hints’ of colours and muted pastels are all conducive to a minimalist interior. If you want to ‘warm up’ your space, add different textures in the same colour palette, such as woollen throws and sheepskin rugs
'Trendy' and 'fad' itemsA minimalist interior will be classic, with well-made, considered pieces that are built to last.
Adorned walls:You don’t have to fill every inch of wall space with art or pictures. There is a beauty to be found in blank space; leaving walls clear will give a clean, streamlined and unfussy look to your home
Elaborate furniture ornamentation:Minimalist furniture is characterised by sleek and clean lines – forget any carving, fine detail, embellishments or dramatic curving.
If you’re considering paring back and giving your home a more minimalist feel, remember that to do so is an ongoing process. You may want to do it the Marie Kondo way to feel the benefits straightaway (I have found her book to be a game-changer in terms of how I organise my home) but once you have done so, keep revisiting spaces with a fresh pair of eyes.
Once you start the process of eliminating the unnecessary from your home – what doesn’t bring joy – you will be amazed at how your perspective changes. Clutter will be a thing of the past, and a serene environment and clear headspace will be yours to enjoy.
Scent of the month
Mint & Basil by Dani Ledo
Spring is upon us and what better way to welcome in the new season than with the cool aroma of mint perfectly combined with the fresh scent of basil? Both refreshing and revitalising, Dani Ledo’s Mint and Basil candle has amazing mood-boosting qualities, is made with pure soy wax with a natural cotton wick, and is 100 per cent vegan and cruelty-free.
Founder Dani strongly believes in responsible production and has carefully selected a handful of manufacturers located within the UK to comply with her values. This includes ensuring that any materials used in her products are ethically sourced.
Available from: (www.daniledo.co.uk) £18. Candle burn time up to hours.
Five of the best artificial plants
1) FEJKA Artificial potted plant- Orchid Lilac: IKEA, £6, (www.ikea.com)
2) Faux Eucalyptus Sprig: Hudson Home, £4, (www.hudsonhome.co.uk)
3) Peony Artificial Aloe Plant in Marble Pot: John Lewis & Partners, £100, (www.johnlewis.com)
4) Variegated Ivy Bush: Blooming Artificial, £10, (www.bloomingartificial.co.uk)
5) Pale Pink Classic Peony Bouquet: Amaranthine Blooms, £49, (www.amaranthineblooms.com).
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