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Calling all coffee fans!

If you are a fan of coffee and usually drink either instant or pre roasted ground coffee you can go a step or two further and roast your own.

Green coffee beans are raw, unroasted coffee beans. Coffee beans are naturally green in colour; the brown colour people associate coffee with derives from the roasting process. Green coffee contains chlorogenic acid which is a powerful antioxidant that breaks down once the beans are roasted. Roasting your own beans will guarantee freshness and allow you to experiment with roasting and flavours.

James Carter, coffee expert at explains everything you need to know about DIY home roasting green coffee beans.

 What you need:

To try green bean roasting at home, you need at least one of the below home roasting devices:

- Frying pan
- Skillet/wok
- Stovetop popcorn maker


  1. Preheat your device to 250°C.
  2. Add a handful of your green coffee beans stirring lightly and continuously. The beans will expand in size, so give yourself enough room to stir and move them around the device.
  3. After around 5 minutes, the unroasted coffee should make a crackling noise and turn yellow in colour. You should also start to smell a grassy aroma.
  4. You can either stop roasting now or carry on, allowing beans to caramelise further. This will enable a deep brown colour. At this point, keep a close eye on your beans, ensuring they don’t burn.
  5. Once you’re happy with your home roast, it’s time to cool them down. Use a colander/sieve to shake off their excess skin.
  6. Leave your batch to cool and rest on a cooling tray for at least 8 hours, allowing the release of excess CO2.

How long do green coffee beans last?

Once opened, green coffee beans’ shelf life is six to twelve months. Store in an airtight container away from light, and your green coffee beans will be good-to-go for months.

Can you drink unroasted green coffee beans?

Yes! However, raw and unroasted, green coffee beans may not be as succulent and tasty as roasted beans.

To make a perfect cup of green coffee

Use a grinder to grind up your coffee beans (green/raw) to a coarse consistency. Add a heaped teaspoon to a cup of hot water and let it stand for about ten minutes. Once the powder has dissolved, strain and serve.


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