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Thank goodness for the 60s musicians

I first saw the american folk singer Tom Paxton in the early Seventies and a few times since, but probably not for 20 years-until the other week.

He is now 80, and I didn't know what to expect, but I got exactly what he delivered those other times. His voice was strong, he was trim and full of energy. What a great example for the rest of us.

Tom is a great guitarist and still writing funny but bitingly satirical songs. He is an unashamed lefty, just as he was back them. Id on't agree with all his views but I admire him for sticking to them for more than 60 years.

Thank goodness many of those musicians us baby boomers enjoyed in the Sixties and Seventies are still going strong I don't think I could stomach rap or drum and bass if there was no other choice.

I would like to leave that to the youngsters, except quite a few of them insist on having it so loud in their cars that I can hear it cocooned in mine. 

So, three cheers for Tom and artists like Nana Mouskouri, who is featured in this issue, and Petula Clark in the April issue, at 83 and 85 respectively.

Congratulations, too, for Choice columnist Neil Patrick who has just published his fourth novel Maisie and The Music Hall Warriors. He launched it at our local Waterstones with a rousing music hall medley performed by Neil and the ukulele group he belongs to.

 What do you think? Do you agree with Norman? 

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