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Reality vs Fantasy

I love sloths, and like the idea of going to a Costa Rican Sanctuary that I follow on Facebook to see them. My husband gave me a reality check the other day after watching a program about them, when he told me that one type of sloth has a whole eco-system living on them. He explained that he thought I wouldn’t want to handle them as they have moths living in their fur in a symbiotic relationship. It almost put me off for a second as I have this thing about flying things and butterflies and moths in particular. Early in our relationship we went to a butterfly sanctuary where I spent the whole time looking down and holding his hand whilst muttering things like ‘Are they near me’ and ‘I feel one on my hair’. I still want to see them though as they just seem amazing creatures to me and something about their oddness really appeals.

Last night I was reminded of my son when he was at school when he would say he needed 5 specific ingredients for a cooking lesson in the morning or, had to paint a picture of our house in watercolours for the next day. This being of course just before he was due to go to bed. So last night not much had changed when he needed me to package up his suit for a weekend 21st birthday party and post ‘next day delivery’. I phoned my son when I got back home, and he explained what shirt, tie, shirt and shoes he needed from his room. After another ‘yeah that should be right’ comment I suggested Facetime, so I could be certain that I was sending the correct items. He hesitated and then eventually admitted he was playing on the x-box at the same time. I explained (I thought patiently although with a slight edge to my voice) that it was nearly 9pm, I had just got back from an evening lecture which I went to straight after work and hadn’t even eaten any dinner yet. So, if he wanted me to do him a big favour that he needed to get his priorities right and decide what was most important. Funny how all the guidance I gave as he grew up to be more organised hasn’t really made a huge difference. His sister even gave him some revision help at A levels, which he did appear to take onboard, but this is somewhat part of his makeup I think. He apologised by text the next day for his ‘last minuteness’.

I often like to think of myself writing children’s books and relaxing in a pretty garden of a small easily managed cottage. The place will be neat and tidy with my dogs relaxing beside me as I write. The reality, I have been told by a friend whose husband is an author is quite different and he is on his 2nd rewrite of his most recent novel and had been asked by his publisher to ‘turn it around’ and ‘write the end first’.

So, maybe I will have a more organised son one day, go to see the sloths and write a book but perhaps it is fine to just have these thoughts too with no plans to really make them a reality. Little dreams are good for the soul I think.

Jean Donald, Guest blogger for Choice magazine

Jean was born in 1966 and grew up in Scotland as the youngest of 3 with two elder brothers. She trained as a nurse in Glasgow and retrained as a teacher in Somerset. She works full time as a primary teacher and is studying for a Master’s degree part time. She has a daughter who is 21 and a son who is 18 and both are at University. When she isn’t working, studying or going to the cinema with her husband, then Jean enjoys walking with her dogs, Badminton, Pilates and writing.

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