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Just your age?

I have had a painful ankle over the last few weeks- it started a few months ago with a slight stiffness when I woke up and I sort of staggered to the bathroom until it loosened off. Pilates didn't seem to improve it particularly despite the great stretches and not so great stretches she put me through. A session with my Osteopath who used ultrasound didn't ease it much either. So, 'where next?' I thought. I didn't feel it required a trip to the GP, nit it needed something, as I was hobbling around at work. A few colleagues told me thy have problems too with their ankles and suggested it might just be 'our age'. My husband suggested I saw a Podiatrist as he wondered if an insert in my shoe might help.

I couldn't get a quick appointment with the Podiatrist, however, she made an appointment with the biometric therapist who could also prescribe shoe heel lifts if required. So, I made my way there a few days later. When I wanted to show him my ankle, he explained that it may well not be the actual problem. He went over my whole body as I stood in front of a mirror (partially clothed) asking me to lift this, turn that etc. As he reeled off the issues I have, the ankle seemed less and less of a problem,. It was a little but brutal. I could make changes and improve some of the poorly functioning muscles, bad postural issues and impact of my oddly shaped spine (my words not his; which were much more scientific). he sensibly suggested I start with some exercises for the ankle pain.. They seemed quite do-able with the added hot and cold therapy.

I only slightly flinched when he explained I should also try standing on one leg every so often when I was 'washing the dishes' or 'doing the ironing'. However, what he was saying sis make sense. Muscles that he said were a problem appeared to be less mobile and at time painful. I have never had a full biometric assessment before and found the whole experience illuminating even if not what I expected. He assured me that it is all worth doing now and putting it in the commitment as it would pay dividends later when my muscles became stronger, more mobile and working much more efficiently. I am pleased to say after a week of exercises my ankle is much better. It might not just be my age after all.

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