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On stress and getting things done!

I've always had a reputation as a very laid back person. This isn't just me thinking I am like that and am actually a very quick tempered and crabby individual. I am known as being calm under pressure at work and pragmatic and ale to see the 'bigger picture'. I take on a lot, but know I can handle it and like to think I am good at prioritising. So, what makes someone like me become easily irritated this week when the sun is shining and I am on holiday?

We have also just been on a fabulous skiing holiday, where we went to a catered chalet in the Alps and were waited on hand and foot in beautiful surroundings. We met some great people and it was wonderful to spend time as a family together. Sometimes coming back from a holiday can make people feel a bit down, I know that. Back to the realities and the daily grind as well as the washing up, tidying and clothes washing. for me though, it wasn't that.

I knew I had a long assignment due for my Masters and was on a deadline to be able to mail a draft to my Tutor bu the following Friday. This did require lots of looking for and reading relevant research on my chosen topic. I like to keep my body and brain active and really do enjoy all the reading as I have learnt so much about aspects of Educational Psychology over the last few months. This of course though is time consuming and searching educational sites for information and then trying to understand it takes it out of you! All of this impacts on what I now know as 'cognitive load' The brain is taken up with so many things and is processing so much that it simply struggles to take in any more.

I am making this link to my irritation. My brain is just trying to compute the assignment, the things to do around the house and the planing I need to do for school. So what did I do? Well I planned it out and just got on with it. I spent Wednesday just on extra research and put it into my reference program. I then wrote the assignment Thursday and Friday and sent off the draft. I then tidied the house this morning,put away the skiing things sill left out by family members and wrote this. I now have two days left for preparing for school. What are those 5P's for success again? Oh yes- proper planning prevents poor performance. Words not just for business and education I think!

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How often do you wash your towels?