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Guest Blog: Blood Pressure- the silent killler

I am being treated for high blood pressure (thankfully it is under control) yet for a while I did nothing about it ecen hough there is a history of high blood pressure in the family. 

Please do not think it is something I will not get, did you know that 1 in 3 people in the UK have high blood pressure?

High blood pressure, or as it's medically referred to; hypertension, is a secret killer.Over a period of time, it can damage your blood vessels which in turn can lead t kidney or heart disease or even stroke.

It is recommended that all adults aged 40 or over should get their blood pressure checked every few years. Prevention is better than cure.

Where can you get tested?

At your doctors.

Your local chemist

Some work places also check your blood pressire. 

You can also purchase blood pressure kits, but this should only be after you have seen your doctor. These can be used for regular weekly check ups, so you can keep your blood pressure under control. 

If you find your blood pressure is high and maybe the life changes do not reduce it sufficiently, the you doctor may prescribe medication (ususally in tablet form) to help lower your blod pressure.

Have your 5 a day

Eating more fruit and veg ca help with lowering blood pressure.

It is recommended that you eat a whole range of fruit and veg. It is best to always eat fresh, but frozen and tinned are also suitable. Be aware of added salt, sugar ad even fats.

Try to eat a mix of colour into your diet. The more colourful, the better.

Try to keep a healthy weight

Being overweight will increase your blood pressure and other health problems. Try to lose weight by eating healthily and making small changes to your diet. If you have had trouble losing weight, why not consider attending a weight loss class? Being in a group is more motivational than going it alone. 


Try to get more exercise by aiming to do 10,000 steps a day.

Exercise for around 30 minutes a day. This will not only make you feel better, butwill help keep your heart healthy.

Reduce your alcohol intake

Try to stick to the recommended amount of 14 units a week, for both men and women. A unit can be half a pint of beer, a single pub measure of spirits or a small glass of wine.

Reduce your salt intake

Too much salt in your diet will increase blood pressure so try to avoid salt as much as possible.

Never add salt to your foods as so many have salt already added to them. 

Watch out for foods which contain unexpected added salt, including breakfast cereals, ready meals and bread.

If you are concerned about your blood pressure, please visit your doctor who can give your further medical advice. This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice.

About Gerardine

My name is Gerri although I was born Gerardine – and I am yet to find anyone with that name! Offten women of a certain age are often invisible and I am here to prove that is not the case. My blog posts cover all women related topics including dating in your fifties onwards, The menopause, employment (or not), fashion, health and beauty to name but a few…. I aim to be up beat and topical and hope you enjoy!


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